Web Development

Modern Web Applications require an innovative approach and it’s important choose the right technology and architecture patterns according to your company.

With Agile and Scrum you don’t have to wait week for the first software test and make us flexible to any kind of change in the application and develop a easy-maintenable and scalable application.

Web Development computer screen with pieces of code

Complete team

Frontend and Backend Development, DevOps or FullStack Engineers.


We are an Agile team, we work using Scrum or Kanban, priorizing most business valuable features.


We priorise security from the first moment. We carefully choose our technology and best practice to build safe applications.

Quality Assurance

We do QA tests before deployment, and we run E2E tests to catch majority of bugs before going into production.


We believe that a good architecture is the most important key point of an application. We follow best guidelines of SOLID and Clean Code.

GIT Friendly

We work on cloud repository using GIT workflows and DevOPS Pipelines.


Approach to Web Application Development


We Develop your app from scratch

We gather your business needs and requirements, analyze the best-suited technologies and methodologies, and then define a project development plan.


We Optimize and scale-up your app

We enhance the functionality of your app and modernize it where necessary by updating libraries, fixing external security problems, and adhering to the latest standards.


We Maintain your app and legacy code

Proper maintenance is a key factor in the operation of your production application. Fixing bugs and maintaining a good codebase have a positive impact on user retention and app performance.


We create your cloud Architecture

We build your cloud architecture with Kubernetes clusters to host all your applications, databases, and platforms, ensuring good uptime, security, resilience, and reliability levels for your app.

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